Waterford FC in the Community were delighted to get involved with St. Saviour N.S.’s Show Racism The Red Card programme recently.

Show Racism The Red Card is an anti-racism education charity, established to harness the high-profile nature of footballers as anti-racist role models to educate against racism throughout society. Waterford FC in the Community were delighted to team up with St. Saviours N.S. to deliver this important programme for their 6th class pupils.

Included in this initiative was a workshop which consisted of a 45 minute football training session which was ran by Maeve Williams, and a classroom activity which was ran by Marton Bisztrai, who is an integration co-ordinator with the immigrant council of Ireland.
Waterford FC’s Head of Community Colin Power was delighted to get involved in this initiative with St. Saviours, commenting:
“We were delighted to team up with Marton & the immigration council of Ireland to run these Show Racism the Red Card workshops. Both classes were given a classroom workshop run by Marton and both were also given a coaching session which was delivered by Maeve Williams. It was great to see the pupils engaging in both and I would like to thank everyone in St. Saviours NS for having us and giving us a very warm welcome.”

To find out more about Show Racism The Red Card’s programmes, you can check out their website at www.theredcard.org