Earlier this week, Waterford FC in the Community were delighted to attend Waterford Crystal FC’s Food Drive handover to the Waterford Food Bank, where some of our our first-team players provided an hour-long training session to the members of some of Waterford Crystal’s underage sides.

First-teamers Grant Horton, Sam Bellis & captain Barry Baggley joined Waterford FC’s Head of Community Development Colin Power at Waterford Crystal’s grounds, where they were greeted by various underage sides that were treated to a training session from their very own Blue heroes.
Once the session was over, the Waterford Food Bank were delighted to accept the contribution of various non-perishable foods that were collected by Waterford Crystal FC over recent weeks.

Speaking on the collaboration, Waterford FC’s Head of Community Development Colin Power was delighted to be involved, mentioning:
“Since we formed our partnership with Waterford Food Bank, we are always delighted to get involved in anything that helps increase their contributions. This was a great evening for everybody at Waterford Crystal FC, and the added element that Grant [Horton], Sam [Bellis] & Barry [Baggley] took a training session for the underage sides in attendance.
We thank Waterford Crystal FC for giving us a warm welcome on the evening!”
To find out more about Waterford FC’s partnership with the Waterford Food Bank, you can find out more information by clicking HERE.